(学会発表)多文化家庭の子育て戦略 中国・韓国に住む日本人父親の視点から
(報告書)多文化家庭の子育て戦略の課題 : 日韓中の国際カップルへのインタビュー調査

(Report) Educational strategy of intermarried Japanese, Korean, and Chinese couple

Educational strategy of intermarried Japanese, Korean, and Chinese couple

The purpose of this study is to describe how educational strategy is constructed in order to elicit suggestions for the future direction of education in international families with children at a lower school age. To do so, we have conducted interviews with Japanese-Korean, Japanese-Chinese, and Korean-Chinese couples in Japan, Korea, and China. There were approximately 50 participants. The main questions addressed the following two areas: language education and school choice. The interview transcriptions were analyzed to identify underlying themes across the interviews. The study identified several important features. For example, for Japanese in Korea, 1) husband often adopt a behavior-conscious attitude to fit in with their wife’s families, 2) The mothers organize language education study groups for their own fulfillment, and 3) Japanese schools are selected as an outsourcing option for Japanese language education.

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