(論文)国際結婚家庭の子育て戦略 : 韓国在住韓日カップルの日本人「父親」と「母親」の語りから
(学会発表)韓国在住の日本人父親の語りにみる日韓国際結婚カップルの子育てについて 日韓国際結婚カップルの妻日本人の言語教育実践

(Conference) Narrative Analysis of Japanese Fathers in Korea: Educational views of Japanese-Korean couples (in Japanese and Korean)

Narrative Analysis of Japanese Fathers in Korea: Educational views of Japanese-Korean couples (in Japanese and Korean)

The 16th annual conference for International Education in Korea -Post 2015 Global Citizenship Education: Challenges and Practice

  • Date: October 31 to November 1st, 2015
  • Venue: Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea
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