(科研)越境する結婚移住者の教育観に関する基礎調査 国際結婚した在外日本人父親の言説分析

(KAKEN) Educational beliefs of marriage migrants: Analyzing discourses of Japanese husbands intermarried with Chinese, Filipina, Korean, and Thai wives

Educational beliefs of marriage migrants: Analyzing discourses of Japanese husbands intermarried with Chinese, Filipina, Korean, and Thai wives

About this research The purpose of this research is to collect and analyze life stories of Japanese fathers migrating to other countries after marriage, with a view toward identifying contemporary issues involving educational beliefs and intermarried couples. Until now, the focus of most research in Japan into the educational beliefs of marriage migrants has been rather limited to migrant mothers, with Japanese migrant fathers left largely unstudied. Therefore, in this research, first, we investigate the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of intermarried families in China, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thai land, which are the top four countries of origin of foreign wives of Japanese husbands. Then, we analyze the educational beliefs of Japanese husbands in those four countries. We also aim to circulate the life stories to inform and encourage Japanese fathers who of ten struggle to rear their children overseas.

Schedule April 2016 to March 2017 April 2017 to March 2018 April 2018 to March 2019
Apr. - Aug. : Literature review
Sep. - Mar. : Pilot inter view
Apr. - Jul. : Preliminary analysis
Aug. – Ma r. : Main interview
Apr. - Sep.:Follow-up interview
Sep ~ Mar. : Concluding phase

Principle investigator:WATANABE Yukinori (Sagami Women’s University)
Co- Investigator:FUJITA-ROUND Sachiyo (International Christian University), SUN Wonsuk (Osaka University of Economics and Law)
Research Collaborator:QIU Xiaolan (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences), LEE Hohyun (Waseda University )TAKAHASHI Hitoshi (Hokkaido University of Education )

This work is supported b y JSPS KAKENHI (16K04630)
Grant- in -Aid f or Scientific Research (C)

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